Lodge Rules
The lodge rules are drafted, voted and published by the Lodge Executive Committee. They are based on the national set of rules prescribed for lodges in the publication Guide for Officers and Advisers. If any rule contradicts either the Field Operations Guide or Guide for Officers and Advisors it becomes null and void. This revision of our lodge rules was approved by the LEC on December 7, 2024.
- Mission:
- The mission of this lodge is to fulfill the purpose of the Order of the Arrow as an integral part of the Boy Scouts of America through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults.
- Name and Affiliation of Lodge:
- The lodge shall be known as Nebagamon Lodge, Las Vegas Area Council No. 328, Boy Scouts of America, and shall be under the supervision of the council camping or Boy Scout committee and the administrative authority of the Scout executive.
- The totem of the lodge shall be that of “Fire on the Water”.
- Election to Membership:
- The requirements for membership in this lodge are as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.
- The procedure for the Ordeal shall be as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Guide to Inductions.
- Lodge Officers:
- The officers of this lodge shall be lodge chief, lodge vice chief(s), lodge secretary, and lodge treasurer. These elected officers must be younger than 21 during their entire term of office.
- The lodge will elect a Vice-Chief for Programs, Elections, Inductions, and Heritage. These elected Vice-Chiefs must be younger than 21 during their entire term of office.
- The term of office for lodge officers and Vice-Chiefs shall be from the 1st of June to the 31st of May, being sworn in on the night of election, and trained before the lodge banquet.
- An elected officer of the lodge may not hold more than one office in the Order of the Arrow at any one time. At such time an officer accepts a new office, they must resign their existing office.
- An elected Vice-Chief of the lodge may not hold more than one office in the lodge at any one time. At such a time a vice-chief accepts a new office, they must resign their existing office.
- The Lodge Executive Committee shall be composed of the elected lodge officers, chapter chiefs (if applicable), vice-chiefs, immediate past lodge chief, their advisers, and the Supreme Chief of the Fire.
- An office or chairman position may be declared vacant by the Lodge Executive Committee if an officer is absent from two consecutive scheduled meetings. Vacant offices will be filled by appointment by the Lodge Key 3.
- The Lodge Secretary is the Chairman of the Membership and Communications committees, unless further delegated by him.
- The Lodge Treasurer is the Chairman of the Finance committee.
- No more than 50% of the Lodge Executive Committee officers or vice-chief shall be composed of primary registrants of the same unit.
- All elected officers must be Youth Protection Trained that does not expire during their term of office. If an elected officer's YPT is to expire within the term of their office, they must retake the training before starting their term.
- Lodge Officer Election Procedure:
- The lodge will hold elections at the May Lodge Executive Committee meeting of each year, under the guidance of the lodge chief.
- A nominee for lodge, chapter (if applicable), or committee office shall be a member in good standing as determined by Boy Scouts of America and the other requirements of lodge membership.
- Nominations from youth will be entertained by the lodge secretary, beginning with lodge chief, going down the chain of command.
- If chapters are operational, each chapter will be accorded ten (10) votes to cast amongst nominees for each office. The results shall be recorded and announced by the lodge secretary.
- If chapters are not operational, all eligible voting members will be accorded one (1) vote to cast amongst nominees for each office. The results shall be recorded and announced by the lodge secretary.
- A nominee must receive a majority (one vote more than fifty percent) of the votes cast on a given ballot to be elected (abstentions do not count as votes cast). Where a majority is not achieved, the nominee(s) receiving the least number of votes is (are) dropped and another ballot is taken. This procedure continues until one nominee achieves a majority and is declared elected, or until two ballots in succession result in tie votes and the balloting is declared deadlocked.
- When balloting is declared deadlocked, the youth conducting the election (Note: This is the lodge chief or a youth appointed by the lodge chief and approved by the lodge adviser) will announce to the voting delegates that one more ballot will be taken to break the tie and, if another tie results, he/she shall cast sufficient votes for the nominee of his/her choice to achieve a majority and declare who is then elected.
- Adult attendance at the elections shall be only the lodge adviser and lodge staff adviser or their designees. Adult attendees will have no say in the nominations or elections.
- Campaigning for lodge office shall not begin more than 30 days prior to the election and be limited to youth members. Campaigning is not permitted during official meetings or proceedings.
- A nominee for Lodge Chief must have attended NLS, NYLT, or Woodbadge.
- Chapters (currently suspended effective 1/2020 ):
- Chapters will be organized and implemented under the terms and guidelines stated by the current edition of the Guide for Officers and Advisors with discretion and approval of the Lodge Key 3.
- Chapters will be named and area noted upon the reinstatement of chapters.
- If chapters are part of the lodge structure, the officers of each chapter shall be chapter chief, chapter vice chief, and chapter secretary, and chapter treasurer. These elected officers must be younger than 21 during their entire term of office.
- The chapter will hold elections at the November Lodge Executive Committee meeting of each year, under the guidance of the lodge chief.
- The term of office for chapter officers shall be from January 1 to December 31, being sworn in on the night of election, and trained before the new year.
- A nominee for chapter office must be a member in good standing of the lodge.
- A chapter member is not eligible for nomination if they hold a lodge or other chapter position during the period of time referred to by the nomination.
- Chapter elections shall be by nomination and secret ballot.
- Advisors:
- The Lodge Adviser shall be appointed by the Council Scout Executive
- The Lodge Staff Adviser shall be appointed by the Council Scout Executive.
- Lodge Associate Adviser(s), Lodge Committee Advisers, and Chapter Advisers shall be appointed by the Lodge Adviser, in consultation with the Lodge Staff Adviser.
- If chapters are part of the Lodge structure, one Chapter Associate Adviser(s) shall be appointed by the Chapter Adviser, with the approval of the Lodge Adviser.
- All advisorships are one year appointments. Advisers may be re-appointed for subsequent terms by the respective appointing authority.
- Brotherhood Membership:
- Completion of Brotherhood membership shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.
- All members completing the Brotherhood shall pay the lodge fee as set forth by the lodge executive committee.
- The Vigil Honor:
- Attainment of the Vigil Honor shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.
- The costs associated with awarding the Vigil Honor will be borne by the lodge.
- Finances:
- All Order of the Arrow funds shall be handled through the council service center and go through all normal council accounting procedures.
- Dues of the lodge in the amount of $17 shall be due and payable upon the first day of each new year. Members who have not paid dues by the 31st day will be considered inactive. Per national policy all members of the lodge must be registered members of the Boy Scouts of America.
- Voting:
- Arrowmen under the age of 21 may vote in matters of lodge business.
- Amendments to the Rules:
- These lodge rules are subject to amendment by the lodge executive committee at any time. Any proposed changes or amendments must be provided to that body with adequate time to review and consider the proposed changes. Changes proposed will be reviewed and approved only at the discretion of the Lodge Executive Committee at any regular meeting of that body.
- These lodge rules are also subject to amendment and revision by the Supreme Chief of the Fire, Lodge Staff Adviser, and Lodge Adviser as necessary to promote the safe and fair conduct of the lodge, as needed.