Updated 2/10/2023
Brothers, There is no cost for the event but in order for us to prepare for food and supplies, we need an individual registration for each person attending at least one (1) week prior to the event. The date of our membership event is May 17. Plan to arrive no later than 7:00 pm on Friday. Dinner and fellowship will begin at 7 p.m. For those holding the Vigil, please arrange to have someone pick you up by 8 a.m. on Saturday morning. Per national policy, you may not drive yourself home without adequate rest. Vigil will be held on Lovell Summit Road. Access is via Lovell Canyon Road, off Highway 160. The first approx 12 miles are paved. Just before the Torino Ranch entrance, the road turns left and becomes Lovell Summit Road (Forest Road 536). Proceed about 3/4 mile to our campsite. This last bit is a dirt road and should be accessible for all vehicles pending weather events. |